Fairblock is a decentralized cryptographic computer that runs secure and performant MPC-based confidential computation. Fairblock can host “dine-in” DeFi, AI, and gaming economies for cheap and fast execution, or seamlessly "deliver" these capabilities to deep-rooted ecosystems such as EVM, Cosmos, and Solana. Fairblock consists of two core elements: FairyRing and FairyKit. FairyRing abstracts away intensive cryptographic operations for applications built within its chain as well as those built on alternative blockchains. For external partners, FairyRing distributes confidential execution via FairyKit, which plugs into any protocol and application to bring one-click confidentiality to any app or user that requires it.
A dynamic and decentralized network that hosts app-specific secure and performant confidential computing.
A module that enables confidential computing for applications within our native ecosystem or across external chains.
Simplicity is the last step of art, we prioritize simplicity through our multimodal and dynamic design to fine-tune performance and security, introducing complexity only when essential. Fairblock leverages threshold IBE (aka witness encryption) for a. applications that only require pre-execution mempool-privacy e.g. sealed-bid auctions or frontrunning protection b. information access control e.g. pay-to-decrypt to achieve minimal bandwidth and computation overhead. Other MPC schemes such as Threshold FHE (CKKS) and SPDZ are used for applications that require computation over encrypted transactions or data such as confidential AI inference or dark pools. MPC schemes can be combined with TEEs to reduce reliance on a single TEE’s hardware security and mitigate MPCs honest majority collusion risks. ZKPs are necessary in some MPC applications to ensure the validity of private inputs whenever multiple parties interact with each other in a shared private state.
As advanced MPC schemes become more accessible, Fairblock will offer them through FairyKit to partner protocols and native applications. We are beginning by offering threshold IBE and CKKS due to their immediate benefit to the blockchain design space and user experience.
Developers can build confidentiality features directly into the chains and applications they already know and love.
Chain Agnostic
FairyKit is compatible with major L1s, L2s.
Performant and Scalable
Linear bandwidth scaling and encryption run times in milliseconds, ensuring frictionless user experience.
There is no one-size-fits-all encryption solution. Fairblock's MPC schemes can be combined and configured for any use case or level of confidentiality.
For more detailed insight into how Fairblock works, please read our documentation.